Making a Mockery

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Pie in the Sky…

Our Utah legislators have once again blundered and failed its constituents.

Charge the Poor to go to the Ghetto in Welfare Valley City
They passed the stupid Toll Road Partnership that allows toll roads to be built using public lands but funded by private business. LAME… I would like to thank Sheldon “Lagoon” Killpack for this gem. Listen up genius, I mean Sheldon…most people will not use toll roads when free roads are available. Building a toll road on the west side when the majority of the population is on the east side just doesn’t make any sense especially when the Utah state government has over $1 billion in excess revenue this year with another 20% increase for next year predicted. The road needs to be built to match growth on the west side. I love how they want the Utah ghetto to pay for the new road. LAME… Oust Sheldon Killpack in 2006!

Not So Real Salt Lake
Another boneheaded move was to keep a hotel tax in place to fund Real Salt Lake. For those not in the know Real Salt Lake is a Utah’s pro soccer team. I bet that in 3 years they will be gone and we will have an empty stadium that we are funding with this tax. Oh yeah the tax payers are plunking down around $34 million dollars and letting them escape another $7 million dollars more in taxes. Did I mention that the owner is a billionaire and he is allowing the public who may or may not ever see a game plunk down $41 million for his private business? Hey Dave Checketts kiss my butt and pay for your own business. And ps Real is a ghey name for a team why not call them the Salt Lake Fayes. Who wants to pay $25 a ticket for a team that sucks… Sorry Utah Jazz you suck too. LAME…

God Giveth, Utah Taketh Away.
Utah has not eliminated smoking in private clubs. I hate smoking and believe it is bad for your health. I don’t however believe that government should stick their nose in private business and force them not to smoke. These are adults making adult choices. LAME

Tax Lowering BAD
Lowering the food tax by 2%…whoopty doo… you told me it would be totally removed. This is a regressive tax and blah blah blah… It is the only fair tax we have. Everyone eats and everyone pays the same amount of tax on his or her food. This is of course feel good legislation. The downside is we are unsure which middle class tax will now rise. How about you keep my money and invest it in transportation and education like all of the polls have suggested? LAME…

And when the tax payer comes to the door the house looks like a rumage sale...
With the food tax there was some sort of tax reform or at least a lowering of taxes for the most wealthy. They tried to pass it off as a flat tax but you still have deductions. Odd that’s not a flat tax? LAME

Ethics we don't need no stinking Ethics
My personal favorite dumb move. Six different bills regarding ethics in congress failed to pass. These bills simply wanted government officials to report all gifts in excess of $5.

Claire Geddes, longtime citizen activist, said more than a decade of lobbying for a variety of ethical reforms has taught her that the Legislature is resistant to change. "Money does buy access, and that buys influence," Geddes said. "When we've asked for gift bans or ethics laws, that's when I've taken the worst heat — you go in with shield and armor if you ask them to give up gifts. They don't get it — they think gifts are part of serving."

“Historically, legislators have a hard time understanding the problems with these issues — conflict of interest, campaign finance, lobbyist influence. They don't distinguish those systemic problems from what they see as an attack on their character.” Tony Musci, chairman of Utah Common Cause, a government watch-dog group.

I couldn’t find the quote online but the other night one of our beloved and honest senators spoke saying that the perks lobbyists give make up for the time away from their family. I guess the thought of unbiased community service is above their moral conduct. LAME…

Some of my other favorite bills that didn’t make it
Senator Chris “bigots for utah” Buttars two bills on evolution disclaimers in schools and the prevention of “perverted sex clubs” aka the Provo High School Gay, Lesbian and Transgender club from using Provo High School as a meeting place. My feeling is while I don’t support their lifestyle I don’t believe it is my right to prevent them from gathering. It should be up to the community and the school board who administers over the school’s decision not the state. So does anyone else think Chris Buttars won’t be in government next year? Judging by some of his comments on tv, on the radio and in print you might think Chris Buttars is the leader of the KKK.

Other than the two Buttars’ bills, Utah legislatures went against the popular vote. I sure hope there will be some change come November.

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Funny how those politician's dont want their gifts taken away. They didn't mind putting off the wall restrictions on the doctors accepting gifts from the drug companies.
Not only a mockery, but an insult to intelligence.

Tax rates being cut means nothing if the base the rate is applied to increases.

In the case of sales tax, the cost of food increases. The population in the state is increasing. The rate can be cut and there would be no loss in actual revenue from the state from one year to the next. There is only a loss of the increase that could have been collected based on these factors.

In the case of a "flat tax", increasing the base from the Federal Taxable Income to the Federal Adjusted Gross income, and no longer giving the standard/itemized deduction nor the personal exemptions results in an increase to the base. The credits that are given are not full credits, as the current system allows. There also is a phase out on the taxpayer tax credit of $100 per person. A lower rate is not a tax cut.

Think of property tax for a real life application of this concept. The tax rate can be unchanged or even reduced, but because your property value goes up, you pay more in taxes each year.
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