Making a Mockery

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Primary Day Comes to Utah

And I ain’t talking kids and church. Its time to choose candidates for President of these here United states. I find most of the candidates repulsive in some way or another. Maybe its my belief in work. I don’t believe in a welfare state. I don’t believe in amnesty for criminals or immigrants. I don’t believe in government being the great protector of me from myself. I don’t believe in large government. I think we pay too much in taxes as the middle class. I believe the constitution of the United States to be a very close to perfect document inspired of by God and it shouldn’t be played with. Of all of the reading and research I have done I believe that only one candidate can come close to my beliefs, Mitt Romney and no it isn’t because he is mormon. Romney has the experience to take an organization in crises and deliver a better product. It is what he does with his company Bane Capital. It is what he did for the Olympics in Salt Lake it is what he could do as our President. We need some one who isn’t an insider in Washington, someone who knows business and how it works. Business will solve the problems of the world far faster and far more efficiently than any government on the earth.

I think voting is important right that many do not exercise. The internet has become an incredible tool for finding out which candidate stands for your values. Check out for more information.

Here are some key things that I think are important:

Illegal Immigration:
Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton both wanted to
Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants. (July 06)
The system is already broken so we might as well bankrupt it sooner.

Voted NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government. (Jun 2007)
English is a language that unites us as a country. Learn it and love it.

John McCain voted the same as Obama and Clinton:
Voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
The system is already broken and we are going to go bankrupt anyway.

Mitt Romney
Tuition breaks encourage illegal immigration. (Nov 2005)
Enforce the law against 12 million illegals here now. (

Gun Control
Hillary Clinton
Get weapons off the streets; zero tolerance for weapons. (Sep 1996)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
Limit access to weapons; look for early warning signs. (Sep 2000)
License and register all handgun sales. (Jun 2000)

People are responsible for their actions not gun manufacturers.

Barack Obama
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

Inner cities have gun problems but are a symptom of other problems. I don’t believe in banning any gun especially semi-automatics but that is due to other reasons such as it doesn’t specify the type of automatics. There is a difference between a .22 and a AK-47 but yet both are automatics. I believe that people kill people not guns.

John McCain
Prosecute criminals, not citizens for gun ownership. (Sep 2007)
Don't hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes. (Sep 2007)
Opposes restrictions on assault weapons and ammunition types. (Sep 2007)

I think that McCain’s views are the closest to mine.

Mitt Romney
Supports Second Amendment rights but also assault weapon ban. (May 2007)
Will support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill. (Aug 1994)

I don’t think Mitt Romney still supports the Brady Bill from what I have heard.

War & Terrorism

John McCain
Congressional consultation before attacking Iran's nukes. (Oct 2007)
Sanctions to prevent Iranian nukes; but don't count on UN. (Sep 2007)
Follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell. (May 2007)
Prefers not to take troops out of Afghanistan. (Jan 2007)
McCain Principle: Committing troops means completing mission. (Jan 2007)
The War on Terror is the overriding and transcendent issue. (Oct 2004)
The War on Terror is a fight between good and evil. (Aug 2004)
The War on Terror a war we must fight. (Aug 2004)
Avoiding the War on Terror has cost us dearly. (Aug 2004)
Bush promised enemies would soon hear from us and they did. (Aug 2004)
Our adversaries express a hatred for all good in humanity. (Aug 2004)
Iran is sponsor of terrorism; US strike if they get nukes. (May 2007)
Palestine: Against declaration of statehood. (Feb 1999)
I would much rather lose a campaign than lose a war. (Oct 2007)

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