Making a Mockery

Thursday, January 12, 2006

When a Spade is a Spade

I find it amusing that Sen. Edward Kennedy D-MA thinks he is protecting the United States by implying that Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito is a racist and a bigot because he may or may not have belonged to a conservative group at Princeton in the early 80’s. I just think that it’s Ted the drunk’s method of slander.

I think that Sen. Edward Kennedy D-MA is an idiot and a hypocrite. Four words for ya Ted… Chappaquiddick and Mary Jo Kopechne. According to Teddy, he drove off a bridge by accident in the middle of the night and “tried to rescue his passenger Mary Jo but failed” and left her for dead. Kennedy discussed the accident with several people, including his lawyer, before he was contacted by the police some 10 hours later. The autopsy reported that Kopechne drowned and the police found evidence that she lived for several hours before drowning. The rumor mill has it he was drunk and taking Kopechne for a late night beach “encounter”. It was nice of the Kennedy family to just kind of make the whole incident disappear.
So where does Ted get off on calling people bigots? Its kinda like calling him a murderer…but wait he is.

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